After a few months of hemming and hawing, of allowing myself to be intimidated by technical insecurity, and of the plain variety of procrastination, I have spent January jumping into the publishing world with both feet. In a short time, you’ll be able to find both a paperback version and an ebook version of my novella Marcasite Stars on Amazon and in a few other places too. This is pretty exciting, to put it mildly. With each step accomplished, I’ve wanted to shout from the proverbial rooftop of my laptop: Here I come!
You can download it here to read on your kindle, ipad, or other electronic device. And on February 5th, it’ll be free.
Lots of people have helped me along the way, with support and compliments, with technical and artistic expertise, and with lots and lots of love, and without them (and all of you!) I wouldn’t be telling you any of this. I am inspired to, by a quote I found as 2011 drew to a close:
We are kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal. – Robert Brault
Having posted these words in a conspicuous place, I remind myself daily of them. Some days my clear path to a lesser goal involves multiple encounters with the snooze button. And I’m learning to make my peace with that as well – that sometimes it’s okay to be distracted or less focused or just plain tired. Meanwhile, I’ll attempt to strive beyond the obstacles I happen upon, on my way forward.
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